Fremington Primary
Our school uniform is as follows:
- School jumpers / fleeces / cardigans are royal blue with the Fremington School Logo. Purchasing items with the school logo is optional, plain versions are acceptable in the school colours.
- Polo shirts are pale blue.
- ‘Bottoms’ are grey – these will be school trousers / shorts / skirts / pinafores for the majority of children. With the prior agreement of the school, children with sensory needs will continue to have adaptions made, but school colours will still be worn.
- Summer dresses for girls are mid-blue checked
- Socks, tights etc should be grey(except ankle socks with summer dresses)
- Shoes should be plain black in colour (including black soles), with no visible logos eg. large Nike ticks
- PE t-shirts are pale blue with plain black shorts, leggings, joggers (no ‘team branded’ football shorts). Trainers are required for PE.
- Swimming kit will be required – swimsuit / trunks (proper trunks, no baggy board shorts), a swimming hat and a towel.
- Coats are to be warm and sensible, preferably waterproof.
- No jewellery is allowed in school, other than a simple watch (no smart watches), stud earrings (must be removed for PE and swimming) or jewellery with a religious / cultural symbol.
- Bags are to be ‘rucksack’ style. Handbags are not appropriate for school. All new Reception children will be gifted a Fremington branded bookbag when starting the school.